Monthly Archives: March 2019

Some links

Good analysis from the UK Value Investor why Interserve was taken over by its creditors.

Lyft, the new hot ride sharing IPO is to a large extent actually an insurance company

Interesting thoughts on Aviation Economics by Greenwood

Deep thoughts on Banks, Fintechs, Open Banking etc.

Naspers is (somehow) spinning of its Internet assets

FTAlphaville with a great post on cloud software stocks

Clark Street Value looks at Howard Hughes and Oncomed Pharmaceuticals

Special Situation “quicky” – KAS Bank (ISIN: NL0000362648) take-over

DISCLAIMER: This is not investment advice. Please do you own research !!!!!


Some readers of my blog might remember KAS Bank. I bought the stock in August 2012 and then sold it with a decent profit in MArch 2015 because I had not paid attention to the pension liabilities.

Looking at the stock chart, the decision to sell in 2015 was a good (and lucky) one:

kas bank 5y

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Zur Rose AG (ISIN: CH0042615283) – Loss making failed IPO or long term growth opportunity ?

Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. DO YOU OWN RESEARCH !!!!


The company

Zur Rose AG is a Swiss company that specializes in selling / distributing pharmaceuticals. The core business is Swiss distribution business where they distribute pharmaceuticals to Doctors, as in some parts of Switzerland, Doctors canboth, prescribe and sell pills. In 2012, Zur Rose made a smart/lucky buy: For only 25 mn EUR, they bought German based online Pharmacy Doc Morris from Celesio, a German Pharmaceuticals wholeseller that got later acquired by McKesson (I owned the stock as special situation)

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Some links

Warren Buffett now has abandoned book value officially as measure for Berkshire’s success

Damodaran is  looking at the mess at KraftHeinz

Bill Gurley on the success of digital market places plus a checklist of what makes digital marketplaces interesting

Broyhill Investment’s 2018 letter

Deep thoughts on value chains (Walmart, Amazon, Google, Microsoft) from Ben Thompson

An interesting stock pitch on Nintendo

UK Fintech Revolut seems to be a tough place to work at